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School Readiness Programs​


The Parent & Me program is a community-based program designed to strengthen the parent as their child's first teacher and provide hands-on growth experiences for both parent and child which can be repeated at home during the week. Parent and child attend a 1.5 to 2 hour session each week where they participate in activities that are developmentally appropriate for the child.


The focus of the program is on children 0-3, however, children age 3-5 who do not have other options are welcome. With emphasis on the process rather than results, parents are shown how and what their child is learning and how they can support their child's intellectual development.


For more information please contact:

United Cerebral Palsy of Central California
606 W. Sixth Street
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone (559) 584-1551


UCP Parent & Me Program 


The Parent & Me program is a community-based program designed to strengthen the parent as their child's first teacher and provide hands-on growth experiences for both parent and child which can be repeated at home during the week. Parent and child attend a 1.5 to 2 hour session each week where they participate in activities that are developmentally appropriate for the child. The focus of the program is on children 0-3, however, children age 3-5 who do not have other options are welcome. With emphasis on the process rather than results, parents are shown how and what their child is learning and how they can support their child's intellectual development.


For more information please contact:

United Cerebral Palsy of Central California
606 W. Sixth Street
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone (559) 584-1551


UCP Paret & Me

UCP Special Needs Project


The Special Needs Project helps identify children with special needs at an early age, and then helps the parents access the services that are required for their child. It also identifies children who do not yet meet the definition of special needs but are risk to develop a special need and provides services. Additionally the project gives community service providers information on how to work with children with special needs.


For more information please contact:

United Cerebral Palsy of Central California
606 W. Sixth Street
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone (559) 584-1551


UCP Special Needs
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