covid-19 guidance FOR businesses & employers
Business Reporting Requirements:
Businesses are required to report when a worksite has three or more COVID-19 cases within a 2-week period. These cases MUST be reported using the Shared Portal for Outbreak Reporting (SPOT):
State COVID-19 Workplace Requirements
Resources to help create a safer and healthier workplace
CDPH COVID-19 Workplace Outbreak Reporting Requirements (AB 685)
CDPH Employer Guidance (AB 685)
On December 15, 2022, Non-Emergency COVID-19 Prevention Regulations were adopted and will become effective in the month of January 2023 once approved. The COVID-19 Preventions Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) will remain in effect until new regulations become effective.
Federal OSHA Emergency temporary standards (ETS)
For businesses with any questions regarding COVID, please contact us at or the Kings County Department of
Public Health: (559) 584-1401.